Arrigo Gabbioni Italia Srl, through its Technical Office, can provide support to sector operators for the most suitable resolution of design and application problems.
Support may be provided in choosing the most suitable design solutions, both in terms of intervention techniques and materials to be used.
For companies, any technical proposals may be evaluated.
For Designers, the support may consist in verifying, through suitable calculation tools and in accordance with current Technical Standards, the solutions identified for consolidation or stabilization interventions (for example, dimensioning of draining trench systems, cortical consolidations, lands reinforced, gabionized) and in the production of detailed technical tables in DWG and PDF.

For more information, data on the technical solutions are available on the website www.arrigogabbioni.com
Or to the e-mail address: tecnico@arrigogabbioni.com
The systems with double twist hexagonal nets made by Arrigo Gabbioni Italia comply with the provisions
by the Guidelines of the Superior Council of Public Works 69/2013 and related regulations.
Arrigo Gabbioni Italia srl reserves the right to modify the contents of this ccatalogue. The images shown are for general information purposes only. The contents of the texts and images shown in this catalog are protected by copyright and cannot be removed, used, reproduced in their entirety or in part without the written consent of the
by Arrigo Gabbioni Italia srl